DMAAR Membership Dues and Fees

Annual Member Dues are payable in January / Dues and Fees are subject to change

Agent: New Member Dues/Fees January-December
 Entrance Fee - DMAAR* - One Time $200 
 Entrance Fee - MLS* - One Time $150 
 Entrance Fee - IAR* - One Time $100 
 Subtotal  $450**
 Annual Dues - DMAAR $140 
 Annual Dues - IAR $175
 IAR 1 Yr Adv Campaign $10
 Annual Dues - NAR $201
 Subtotal $526** 
 Total Entrance & Annual Dues $976

** Personal Check made out to DMAAR or Credit/Debit Card Accepted

Any Individual with an active real estate license who is associated with a DMAAR member firm should join the association. If not, the broker will be assessed for the NAR, IAR & Association dues and the individual will not be eligible to use the REALTOR® trademark or any of the benefits of membership.

**When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction.** 

Agent Transfers

 Fee $25** 

**Personal Check made out to DMAAR or Credit/Debit Card Accepted

Agents Must complete a Transfer Application when transferring between firms. Forms are available through DMAAR.

Lockbox|Keycard Fees - Agents, Brokers, and Approved Affiliate members

 New ekey Basic  $18.18 Monthly + $50 Issuance Fee (One-Time)
 New ekey Professional $32.28 Monthly + $75 Issuance Fee (One-Time) 
 Supra Insurance Lost/Stolen $29.95 a year additional at time of active key purchase (Optional) 
 Must have a credit card or debit card for Supra (No Checks)
 New Lockbox $107** 

** Personal Check made out to DMAAR or Credit/Debit Card Accepted

Affiliate Member: New Member Dues and Fees - Service businesses related to the day to day transactions, i.e. Home Inspection Companies, Pest Control Companies - No MLS access * Additional $50 for background check for members to lease Supra Key product

Entrance Fee - DMAAR - One Time $200 
 Annual Dues - DMAAR $160
 Background Check $50 
 Total Entrance & Annual Dues $410** 

** Personal Check made out to DMAAR or Credit/Debit Card Accepted

Broker Participant: New Member Dues and Fees - MLS Broker Member (One per Firm)

Entrance Fee - One Time $1695 
 Annual Dues* $200+* 
 Total Entrance & Annual Dues


 *$200 per company plus $70 for each additional office within a company
**Personal Check made out to DMAAR or Credit/Debit Card Accepted

Monthly MLS User Fees

Monthly Fee* $35 

 *If member drops out of the MLS there will be a $275 re-instatement fee

MLS Only Member Dues and Fees*

One Time Entrance Fee $150 
 Annual Fees $140 
 Total Entrance & Annual Dues $290** 

*Broker must be a DMAAR MLS Participant and those wanting the service within that brokerage should apply  Reinstatement fee will be $105.00. 
**Personal Check made out to DMAAR or Credit/Debit Card Accepted

** When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us to either use the information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction.**